


Knee Replacement

knee replacement

Knee Replacement

Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure to relieve pain and disability in knee joints. It is typically offered for chronic pain and other knee diseases, but may be complex for severe deformity from advanced arthritis, trauma, or osteoarthritis. Knee replacement surgery can be partial or total, replacing damaged joint surfaces with metal and plastic components for continued knee motion.


  • Total knee replacement involves replacing entire joint with artificial surfaces
  • Partial knee replacement replaces damaged compartment.


  • Pain Relief: Knee replacement can significantly reduce or even eliminate chronic knee pain, allowing patients to enjoy a more active and comfortable lifestyle.
  • Improved Mobility: As the damaged joint is replaced, patients experience enhanced joint function, leading to better mobility and increased range of motion.
  • Patients experience improved quality of life with reduced pain and mobility, enabling them to engage in daily activities without discomfort.


The procedure for knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty,

It is a surgical intervention performed by an orthopedic surgeon.

Before knee replacement surgery, a thorough evaluation is conducted to determine the appropriate course of action for the patient’s specific condition. This evaluation includes a review of medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests.

Anesthesia is administered to ensure comfort and pain-freeness during the procedure, with options including general or regional anesthesia.

The surgeon makes an incision over the knee joint, either vertical or horizontal, depending on the surgeon’s preference and the specific knee condition. The damaged portions of the femur and tibia bones are carefully reshaped using specialized surgical instruments to create a smooth, stable surface for the artificial joint components. The artificial joint components, made of metal and plastic, are inserted into the prepared areas, with the metal component replacing the damaged end of the bone and the plastic spacer acting as the new joint surface between the metal components.

Patellar resurfacing is optional, and the back surface of the patella may be resurfaced with a plastic component to improve the knee’s movement and functioning. Balancing and testing are crucial for achieving optimal joint stability and function. After the components are securely in place and the knee’s functionality is confirmed, the surgeon closes the incision using sutures or staples, and sterile dressings are applied over the wound.

Post-surgery recovery is followed closely, with pain management, antibiotics, and other medications administered as prescribed. Most patients spend a few days in the hospital, beginning physical therapy to restore knee mobility, strengthen surrounding muscles, and improve walking ability. After hospital discharge, patients continue physical therapy on an outpatient basis, with healthcare teams providing instructions for wound care, pain management, and rehabilitation exercises.

Knee replacement surgery is a major procedure, and individual recovery experiences can vary. It is essential to follow the surgeon’s advice, attend follow-up appointments, and participate in rehabilitation for the best possible outcomes.


Post-Surgery Recovery and Rehabilitation:

Post-surgery recovery and rehabilitation are crucial aspects of knee replacement surgery, with the success of the procedure and long-term outcomes relying on patients’ compliance with the rehabilitation program. The recovery process includes hospital stay, pain management, physical therapy, walking and weight-bearing, rehabilitation exercises, swelling and ice management, gradual resumption of activities, follow-up appointments, patience, time management, long-term management, and long-term care.

Hospital stay involves managing pain, administering antibiotics, and closely monitoring progress. Pain medications are provided to keep patients comfortable during the initial days, and as the recovery progresses, dosages may be adjusted. Physical therapy, which focuses on improving knee strength, range of motion, and flexibility, begins within a day or two after surgery.

Walking and weight-bearing gradually progress to using a cane and eventually walking without assistance. Rehabilitation exercises include quadriceps strengthening, hamstring strengthening, calf exercises, range-of-motion exercises, and balancing exercises. Swelling and ice can be managed by elevating the leg and using ice packs on the knee. Gradual resumption of activities, such as climbing stairs, driving, and performing light household tasks, is allowed as the patient progresses through the rehabilitation program.

Following-up appointments are scheduled to monitor progress, assess wound healing, and ensure the knee replacement is functioning correctly. Patience and time management are essential during the recovery process, and patients should listen to their body and avoid excessive strain on the knee. Long-term management, maintaining an active lifestyle, and following surgeon’s advice are crucial for the long-term success of the knee replacement.

How do I know if I need knee replacement surgery?

You may need surgery if:

  • Your knees are stiff and swollen.
  • There is pain throughout the day, even at rest.
  • Walking, getting up or climbing stairs is difficult and painful.
  • Medication and therapy do not offer enough relief.
  • Knee cartilage is so damaged and worn away that you are walking “bone on bone,” in which the bones of the joint are scraping together.



Knee replacement surgery is a transformative solution for chronic knee pain and reduced mobility. Understanding the procedure, benefits, and recovery process helps patients make informed decisions, ultimately regaining an active, pain-free life. Consult a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for individual circumstances.


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